Thursday, August 28, 2008

Portishead Manchester Apollo 9th April 2008 II

This gig was also very challenging for me because, unlike any other shows I had done, the lighting was almost entirely from behind the band. Having always (successfully) avoided back-lit subjects, that night forced me to improve my technique and I found the challenge exhilarating.

Please click here to see the rest of the photos in this set.

Portishead Manchester Apollo 9th April 2008

Being a great fan of Portishead I jumped at the chance to photograph them. It was quite a different focus compared to the other gigs I had done because the emphasis was not so much on the people, who more or less were stationary throughout, but more on the lighting and general ambiance of the scene. I really enjoyed this different approach and think I captured the atmosphere well.

Please Click here to see the rest of the photos in this set.

Please Click here to see the publication of this photo in 'Student Direct' newspaper.

Ocean Colour Scene Carling Academy Birmingham on Sunday 17 December 2006

This was the first gig I I had photographed in a reasonably sized venue. No longer cramped in the shadows I relished th chance to spread my wings a bit and experiment with composition and depth of field.

Please click here to see the other photos in this set.

Capdown Birmingham Barfly on Sunday 26 November 2006

Capdown are another band I shot at the Birmingham Barfly. Again, the cramped space, low lighting and fast moving subjects epitomize what I love about live music photography. Not only is it much more exciting that other forms of photography, but I think it can bring out your best work by forcing you to be imaginative and quick in your decision making. Over analysis is not an option, and as a result the work is spontaneous and fresh.

Click here to see the rest of this show.

Keiko Birmingham Barfly on Thursday 21 September 2006

Keiko, a great band to see live and loads of fun to photograph. The claustrophobic conditions and the very poor lighting conditions were a huge challenge, Especially as it was my first time shooting a gig. I loved every second of it though, and it was these stressful conditions that made me want to do more live music photography.

Click here to see the rest of the Keiko images.

Football: University of Manchester Girls II

Another from the same match.

Click here to see the Flickr set

Football: University of Manchester Girls

Womens football at The University of Manchester Armitage Centre.

Click here to see the full Flickr set.

Football: University of Manchester vc Lancaster University

This was a match played at the Armitage centre of The University of Manchester between Manchester and Lancaster University.

Click here to see the set in Flickr.

Rugby: Varsity Womens

Click here for the set in Flickr.

Rugby: Varsity III

Another from the Varsity Match.

Click here for the set in Flickr.

Rugby: Varsity II

Another image from the Varsity Rugby Match. It got dark pretty quickly and the spotlights were, to say the least, inadequate. Made for some moody shots, though.
It's times like these you realize what an amazing camera the human eye is. The pitched looked bright enough, but my camera was having real trouble.
Again, click here to see the set in flickr.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rugby: Varsity I

Here is one of the Rugby photographs have had published in the newspaper 'Student Direct'. This particular one was from the Varsity match which is when The University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan lock horns. As you can imagine this game was accompanied by lots of beer and lots of snobbery. Great fun :)

Please click here to see the full album of photographs.